- Trial
- Aspire USD Account
- Send Money
What are the fees when sending funds from my Aspire USD account?
Transfer fees depend on the type of transfer sent from your Aspire USD Account:
- For transfers within the US via ACH or ABA/Fedwire, there are NO associated fees.
- For transfers outside the US that are USD to USD using SWIFT payment, there will be a USD 15.00 fee.
Note: If you send within the US using the SWIFT network, you will also incur a USD 15.00 fee. - For transfers that convert into a currency other than USD, they will be converted at the best rates, which are up to 3x cheaper than banks, and will also incur a 15.00 USD fee.
Important note:
- SWIFT transfers may involve intermediary/correspondent banks fees that may be deducted from the sent amount. This fee varies based on the correspondent banks used by SWIFT network and can be between $7 - $60.
To avoid this, toggle the "Pay USD 15 extra and fix this amount" button to ensure the recipient receives the exact amount.
- You cannot select a specific intermediary bank for your transfer.
- Transfers are subject to compliance checks.
Related articles:
- How to send transfers from Aspire USD Account?
- What are Shared (SHA) and Our (OUR) Charges?
- List of destination country fees based on Tier
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