- Trial
- Subscription Plan
- Billing
How does the billing work for my Subscription Plan?
Billing cycle
Business Account Pro/Lite and Spend Management Plans follow a monthly billing cycle. The charges will be debited during the first week of the next month.
The billing cycle for Custom Plan is determined by the agreed payout cycle.
How can I pay my subscription fee?
Top-up your Aspire Debit Account to ensure that you have enough balance in your account.
These charges will be auto-debited from your Aspire Debit Account, and you will receive an accompanying invoice.
Note! If you don't have enough balance on your Aspire Debit Account to pay the subscription fee, our system will continuously attempt to auto-debit until your account is topped up and the payment is settled.
For a comparison of all our subscription plans, click here.
Need a customized plan for your business? Talk with our Sales Team today!
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- Where do I find my subscription and billing information?
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