To access the integration guide for Aspire debit accounts, simply click on the links provided below:
Please note! The Stripe system does not block you as a user from saving your withdrawal account as Aspire's 11-digit USD or 12-digit SGD account numbers.
However, not all payouts will be successful. Stripe has advised Aspire that at times, the payout will fail/will not work for a variety of reasons.
Aspire SGD Account
You can integrate your Aspire SGD Local account details into your Stripe account registered in Singapore!
The following steps apply ONLY if you selected Singapore as your country when initially setting up your Stripe account.
This is applicable for SGD/USD payouts into your SGD Local Account only. Watch our 2-minute video below or follow the steps further down the page:
Step-by-Step Guide:
Aspire USD Account
Keep in mind that the country you selected when setting up your Stripe account is where it is based.
If your Stripe account is registered in the USA (Opened in USA)
You can integrate Stripe with your Local USD account details under CurrencyCloud to receive USD payouts:
- Copy the details of your Local USD account from your Aspire app
- Login to your Stripe Account then head over to
- Under Business Settings, select "External payout accounts and scheduling"
- Under Banks accounts, click "Add bank account" or "Edit" button
- Place your account holder name, routing number and account number (remember to remove the dash "-" sign) on the fields, then hit "Add bank account" or "Edit account" once done
If your Stripe account is registered in Singapore (Opened in Singapore)
Unfortunately, integrating your USD account under CurrencyCloud with Stripe to receive USD payout is not available at this time. This is due to Stripe requiring the USD account to be based in Singapore. Your USD account under CurrencyCloud is based in the UK, not Singapore.
Alternatively, you may integrate your SGD Local account details and receive Stripe payouts in SGD.
DBS USD Account
Keep in mind that the country you selected when setting up your Stripe account is where it is based.
If your Stripe account is registered in Singapore (Opened in Singapore)
You can integrate Stripe with your USD account details under DBS to receive USD payouts:
- Login to your Stripe Account then head over to
- Under Business Settings, select "External payout accounts and scheduling"
- Under Settlement currencies and bank accounts, click "Manage currencies"
- Change the currency to USD - US Dollar, then click "Add currency"
- USD currency will be added to your bank list. Click "Add a bank account" link to place your DBS USD Account details and you're done!
If your Stripe account is registered in the USA (Opened in USA)
Unfortunately, integrating your DBS USD account to your Stripe account registered in the USA is not available now. This is because Stripe requires the USD account to be based in the USA. Your DBS USD account is based in Singapore, not in the USA.
Alternatively, you may explore activating Aspire's USD Account under CurrencyCloud to have local USD account details domiciled in the USA (subject to approval).
Once you're able to activate your USD Account under CurrencyCloud, you can check our guide here on how you can integrate it into your Stripe USA account.
Aspire IDR Account
Keep in mind that the country you selected when setting up your Stripe account is where it is based.
For now, Stripe services in Indonesia are only available in an invitation-only form. Please refer to this website for a list of countries that support Stripe services.
If you have an Aspire SGD Account and your Stripe account is based in Singapore, you can easily integrate the two accounts. Check out the guide here to learn how to do it.
On the other hand, if you have an Aspire USD Account and your Stripe account is based in the USA, you can integrate the two accounts. Check out the guide here to learn how to do it.
Questions? Please log in to the app and reach out in the chat at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Suggestions? Let us know here.