How to create a budget?

Admin users can create budgets in the Aspire Account.

Create budgets for projects, clients or teams, and set spending limits and controls to prevent overspending.

To create a budget in your Aspire Account, follow the steps and video below:

1. Login to your Aspire account

2. Click on "Budgets", under the "Spend" section on the left-hand side

3. Click on the blue "? new budget" on the top right-hand side

4. Provide the details for your budget, including the budget name, purpose, and the option to add a budget icon if desired, then click "Continue"

5. Add the spend limit currency and amount

6. Tick on the check box to enable sending alerts to the admins once the budget limit reaches 80%

7. Select other Source/s of Funds (currency will show based on your active debit and advance limit accounts)

Note! If you tag source/s of funds in your Budget, transfers, cards and bills linked to this budget can be drawn from any of these sources of funds.

8. Choose the frequency as to when the budget will refresh, then click "Continue"

  • Recurring - refresh the spending limit every month or quarter
  • One-time - deactivate the budget once the spend limit is reached
  • Set an expiration date - decide when will the budget is deactivated

9. Assign Budget OwnersClick "Continue" then "View budget" 

You can now add more budget members, click here to see more on budget members and assign virtual cards.

Questions? Please log in to the app and reach out in the chat at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Suggestions? Let us know here.