1. Trial
  2. Account Opening
  3. Account Opening & Eligibility

Why is my Aspire account not accessible?

If you get a screen display like the one below, it means Aspire can not open an account for your business.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 2.33.58 PM 

Here are some of the possible reasons why Aspire can not open an account for your business:

  • Your business does not fall under our Acceptable Use Policy. This usually means that we are unfortunately unable to serve clients from your jurisdiction or your industry. We are continuously updating our policies and payment capabilities, so please keep an eye on Aspire's Acceptable Use Policy should you want to know more.
  • You have not uploaded the required documents. If any information or document was missing, you should have received an email notification. If you would like to share missing documents, please reply to the email to submit the information & documents.

Questions? Please log in to the app and reach out in the chat at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Suggestions? Let us know here.