- Trial
- SGD Account
- Send & Receive PayNow Locally
Why hasn't my PayNow been activated?
After you request to activate your PayNow details in-app, you should receive an email from us (Email Subject: We have received your PayNow request for [Company Name]) that will require you to complete this Paynow Request Form.
In the event you
did not submit the form
within 3 days, your PayNow request would not have been processed.
- If you have completed the form, please chat with our Support team by clicking the green bubble on the lower part of the screen so we can look into the status of your application.
- If you did NOT complete the form, please complete it via the form link above, and we will process this for you.
Questions? Please log in to the app and reach out in the chat at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Suggestions? Let us know here.