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- DBS USD Account
- Send Money
What are the fees when sending funds from my DBS USD account?
International transfer outside of Singapore:
20 USD + Agent/Intermediary Bank Charges if any (typically 20 - 45 SGD) + additional FX/Cross border charges (if funds originate from outside of Singapore)
Domestic transfer within Singapore:
20 USD + Agent/Intermediary Bank Charges if any (typically 20 - 45 SGD)Notes on fees:
- Intermediary bank fees cannot be determined at the time of transfer
- You are required to maintain a minimum balance of 50 USD after the full outbound transfer amount, for the purpose of charging intermediary bank agent fees (if any)
- There are no fall below fees if your account is below 50 USD, but you will be unable to make any outbound transfers, or spend on your Aspire card linked to this USD account if your balance is less than 50 USD
Related Article: How can I send transfers from my DBS USD Account?
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