- Trial
- SGD Account
- Send Internationally
To which countries can I send FX transfers from my SGD account?
Here’s a list of the countries you can send FX transfers to using your Aspire SGD account.
You may click on the links below to be routed to Wise's FAQ to learn more information on transferring money to these countries:
Don't see the country you need to send FX transfer to?
You might still be able to send money to your recipient's country if their account can receive USD, EUR or GBP. For such transactions, Wise will complete the transaction via a SWIFT transfer sent out from its home country, i.e. USD SWIFT transfer sent from USA.
- Find here a list of the countries that you can send USD to: USD list
- Find here a list of the countries that you can send EUR to: EUR list
- Find here a list of the countries that you can send GBP to: GBP list
- We are unable to send USD, EUR, GBP, & PKR to Pakistan. Refer to this article to learn an alternative method you can use.
- We are unable to send USD, EUR, GBP, & BRL to Brazil.
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