- Trial
- SGD Account
- Send Internationally
How to send INR transfers from my SGD Account?
Our partner, Wise, requires some additional information for INR transfers.
When initiating the transfer in the app, Admin and Finance Users will be asked to choose the purpose or reason for the transfer from a list of options:
Travel expenses
Purchase of property
Loan Repayment
Tuition fees or studying expenses
Medical expenses
Payment for software goods *
Payment to businesses after collection of goods *
Payment to businesses before collection of goods *
Payments for software consultancy/services only *
Other business services **
* To ensure smooth processing of your transfer for payment on goods and services, you will be asked to provide the Invoice Number related to your purchase. This is to avoid any delays on your transfer.
** If you choose other business services, you will be prompted to select a specific reason for your transfer (such as Accounting or related services, Audio or visual services, Business management or PR services, Data processing or database-related charges). You will also be asked to provide the Invoice Number related to your purchase to avoid any delays on your transfer.
Note! When entering the Invoice Number, please refrain from including any special characters or spaces.
Video guide on how to send INR transfers from SGD Account:
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