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How to renew ACRA Registration for Sole Proprietorship/Partnerships/Limited Partnership
As per ACRA, if you intend to continue running the Sole Proprietorship/Partnership/Limited Partnership, you must renew your business registration 60 days before the expiry date.
ACRA has available step-by-step guides on how to renew the registration for Sole-proprietorships/Partnership and Limited Partnership. We have placed the steps below on how you can access their step-by-step guides in the Business Filing Portal Of ACRA:
- For Sole Proprietorship/Partnership
- On the left-hand-side menu, click on the "Business" tab
- Select "Renew a business"
- Click on "Step by Step eGuide (PDF,647KB)" to download the PDF guide on your device
- For Limited Partnership
- On the left-hand-side menu, click on the "Limited Partnership" tab
- Select "Renew a Limited Partnership"
- Click on "Step by Step eGuide (PDF,782KB)" to download the PDF guide on your device
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