1. Trial
  2. SGD Account
  3. Receive Internationally

How to activate my SGD SWIFT Account to receive international payments?

To receive international funds to the SGD Account, it is necessary to have SWIFT account details. Your SGD Local Account details cannot be used for receiving international transfers.

Kindly note that only businesses registered in Singapore are permitted to request SWIFT account details for their Aspire SGD Account.

To explore alternative options for receiving international payments to your SGD Account, please click here.

Admins can follow the steps below to set up the SWIFT Account Details:

  1. Go to the Account Details by clicking on "View Account Details"
  2. Click on "Swift Account Details"
  3. Click on "Get Account Details" should the director agree to the T&Cs appended within.

Admin users will receive a confirmation email once we receive the request. Please allow our team to enable your SGD SWIFT account details within 7 business days. We'll send another confirmation email once your SGD SWIFT account is activated. 

Once activated, return to the same page for your Swift Account Details  to share with your payers for them to send SWIFTs/Wires/Telegraphic Transfers into your Aspire Account.

Note: You CANNOT activate your SGD SWIFT Account details if you have an existing Wallex Account. Please contact our Support Team if you wish to port your existing Wallex Account to your Aspire account.

Why can't I activate my SWIFT SGD Account details?

One common reason is that our partner does not support a number of business activities as per their Acceptable Use Policy

We can offer an alternative solution for you to receive SWIFT transfers to your Aspire SGD account. You may refer to this article.


Questions? Please log in to the app and reach out in the chat at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Suggestions? Let us know here.