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How do I integrate Wise into my second Aspire account?
As of today, the Aspire Wise Integration was built for a 1:1 account connection. All integrations need to be completed using a unique email address.
If you have 2 Aspire accounts and have already used your email address on your 1st Aspire account, please follow the steps below to successfully integrate your 2nd Aspire account (for Admins only):
- Go to Wise.com to create your 2nd Wise account using a different email address
- Once your 2nd Wise account is created, log in to Aspire, and choose your 2nd Aspire account (not integrated yet)
- Go to your SGD Account > click "Make a Transfer", select "New Recipient", then choose any foreign currency.
- Click "Connect it to Aspire", place the details of your 2nd Wise account, and then follow the user flow
Questions? Reach out in the chat at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Suggestions? Let us know here.