How do I export my Invoices data?

You can now export paid or unpaid invoices to track the receivables in your accounting tool using our Export Data feature.

Follow the steps below on how to export your Invoices:

  1. Under ACCOUNTING, click on "Export Data" on the left side menu panel
  2. Navigate to "Invoices" section
  3. Apply the relevant filters to your data and then export in .CSV format

You can directly import this .CSV into the Invoices/Receivables section of your accounting tool, to track the account receivables data.

The following fields will be exported as part of the .CSV file from Aspire

  • Invoice No. - Invoice no. from Aspire
  • Invoice Date - in DD/MM/YYYY format
  • Due Date - in DD/MM/YYYY format
  • Sent By - user who sent the invoice from aspire
  • Status - status on Aspire
  • Customer - customer details on Aspire
  • Reminders - Yes/No, based on reminders sent or not for invoices
  • Account - account the invoice is raised for
  • Amount - invoice amount
  • Payment Date - Date in DD/MM/YYYY in case status is paid
  • Notes - if available

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