- Trial
- Accounting Integrations
- Export Data
How do I export my Budgets data?
You can now export Aspire Budgets data in a .CSV format for reporting, tracking and auditing purposes using our Export Data feature.
Follow the steps below on how to export your Budgets:
- Under ACCOUNTING, click on "Export Data" on the left side menu panel
- Navigate to "Budgets" section
- Apply the relevant filters to your data and export in the .CSV format
The following fields will be exported as part of the .CSV file from Aspire
- Budget Name - budget name from aspire
- Purpose - if available
- Source Of Funds - account linked to the budget
- Spend Limit - spend limit amount
- Send Alerts To Admin At 80% Limit - true/false
- Frequency - frequency of budgets
- Expiry Date - date of budget expiry
- Budget Owner - name of the budget owner
- Budget Permission - can transfer / cannot transfer
- Budget Member - names of budget members
- Card Issued - last 4 digits if card is issued for member
- Claims Associated - True/False
Questions? Reach out in the chat at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Suggestions? Let us know here.