How do I export Claims Data?

You can now export your paid or unpaid claims data from Aspire in a .CSV format using our Export Data feature.

Follow the steps below on how to export your Claims:

  1. Under ACCOUNTING, click on "Export Data" on the left side menu panel
  2. Navigate to "Claims" section
  3. Apply the relevant filters to your data and export in the .CSV format

The following fields will be exported as part of the .CSV file from Aspire

  • Claim Number - claim ID from Aspire
  • Budget Name - name of the Budget (if the claim has been submitted to Budget Owners, else empty)
  • Amount - amount for which the claim has been raised for
  • Merchant Name - merchant for which the claim has been raised for
  • Date of Expense - YYYY/MM/DD format
  • Category - expense category from Aspire
  • Purpose of Spend - note entered for the reviewer
  • Created By - User Name of who created the claim
  • Status - Status of the Claim on Aspire
  • Created At - YYYY/MM/DD format, date when claim was created
  • Approved At - YYYY/MM/DD format, date when claim was approved
  • Paid At - YYYY/MM/DD format, date when claim was paid
  • Rejected At - YYYY/MM/DD format, when claim was rejected
  • Rejection Reason - rejection reason (if available)

Questions? Reach out in the chat at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Suggestions? Let us know here.