- Trial
- SGD Account
- Send Locally
Can I send GIRO transfers?
Sending GIRO transfers is unavailable at this time and our team is working towards enabling this transfer method.
We suggest you upvote this feature via this link to get the latest updates about it from our Product Managers directly:
We currently use FAST transfers only to send local transfers from your SGD Account.
Note! We are unable to process GIRO salary payments with "SAL" reflected as the payment code.
If your employee requires a higher interest rate on their personal accounts with this payment code, please arrange for a transfer from a separate bank business account as a FAST transfer from your Aspire virtual account with "SAL" or "SALARY" in the description will not be recognized by receiving banks.
Questions? Please log in to the app and reach out in the chat at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Suggestions? Let us know here.