How to cancel a virtual or physical card?

Canceling your virtual or physical card is done by Admin and Budget Owners via your Aspire Account.


Note: Cancelled cards cannot be re-activated again. 

Via mobile app

  1. Login to your Aspire app
  2. Click on "Menu" on the bottom navigation bar
  3. Scroll down to the Spend section and click on "Cards"
  4. Select "🔒 Security Options"
  5. Select "Cancel"
  6. Select why you are cancelling this card and insert the reason, if necessary.
  7. Click "Proceed"
  8. Your card is now cancelled

Via Desktop

  1. Click on "Cards" on the left-hand side, under "Spend" section
  2. Select the card you would like to cancel 
  3. Select "🔒  Security Options"
  4. Select "Cancel"
  5. Select why you are cancelling this card and insert the reason, if necessary
  6. Click "Proceed"
  7. Your card is now cancelled

You can also watch this quick video:



  • Only Admin users can cancel the cards of other users on the account.
  • Employees and Finance users are not authorized to cancel their own cards.
  • Budget Owners can also cancel the cards of users under their budget.

Questions? Please log in to the app and reach out in the chat at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Suggestions? Let us know here.